Featured News

Reaching Into the Unknown for The Benefit of Earth
Pub: The James Caird Society | Date: November 2024
My own current enthusiasm is supporting a new project to measure global atmospheric plastics. This survey (called GAPS) will be the first to measure the size, type and transport of micro- and nano- plastics in the atmosphere. GAPS will leverage existing expeditions to collect snow samples, and these samples will be sent to our partner laboratory in Leipzig. Airborne micro- and nano- plastics are easily inhaled and break down in the blood, tissue and organs of humans where they can cause fertility issues and pose cancer risk.

Private-Sector Space Experiments Could Add To Mankind’s Knowledge Bank. Keep An Open Mind.
Pub: Forbes | Date: October 2022
This past August, adventurer Vanessa O’Brien rode a Blue Origin rocket, mission NS-22, to suborbital space. Rather than just sitting in the capsule enjoying the view and observing how Skittles, when thrown into the air, react in a zero-G environment, she conceived of an inflight experiment beforehand. With the help of Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist and space enthusiast, she developed a test to determine if one could quantitatively measure the overview effect.

First Woman to Complete Explorers’ Extreme Trifecta
Pub: Daily Mail | Date: September 2022
“It was out of this world!” Adventurer Vanessa O’Brien tells MailOnline what it was like to go into space on board Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin Rocket – and reveals her incredible never-before-seen souvenir pictures taken from inside the capsule. NS-22 brings the total number of people flown to space by Blue Origin to 31 since the first launch in July 2021.

First Woman to Accomplish a Trio of Extreme Challenges
Pub: The Times | Date: August 2022
Vanessa O’Brien has become the first woman to travel to the highest and deepest point of Earth and enter space, an achievement known as the Explorers’ Extreme Trifecta. She completed the feat by hitching a ride on the New Shepard NS-22, one of Jeff Bezo’s Blue Origin rockets, which took off from Texas on Thursday.

6 Forces For Change That Made Waves In June
Pub: British Vogue | Date: June 2020
Each month, British Vogue highlights women making a positive contribution to society, raising awareness and changing mindsets on topics spanning climate change, diversity, mental health, and gender rights. June includes an intrepid explorer who ventures to the Earth’s extremes…

Woman Goes to Two Ends of the Earth
Pub: The Times | Date: June 2020 | Photo: Enrique Alvarez
Vanessa O’Brien has become the first Briton to dive the full depth of the 6.8-mile abyss. “The Royal Navy discovered Challenger Deep as being the deepest part of the ocean and nearly 150 years later here I am. I’ve been down there, and it’s amazing,” she told The Times…
Featured Publications
Selection of publications containing interviews, stories, and insights from Vanessa O’Brien and her mountaineering journey.
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Book | Publicity | Promotion

Zwierciadlo Magazyn Sens for the Book Launch of To The Greatest Heights, Poland
Pub: Zwierciadlo | Date: January 2022
Jesteś pierwszą kobietą w historii, która w rekordowym czasie zdobyła Koronę Ziemi, czyli najwyższe szczyty na wszystkich kontynentach. I pierwszą Amerykanką, która weszła na K2. A to nie wszystkie twoje rekordy.